Objects and Powers of the Sabah Law Society
- To uphold the cause of justice without regard to its own interest or that of its members, uninfluenced by fear or favour
- To facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of legal knowledge by members of the legal profession in Sabah
- To assist the Government and the Courts in all matters affecting legislation and the administration and practise of law in Sabah
- To promote
good relations and social intercourse among members and between members
and other persons concerned in the administration of law and justice
- To protect
and assist the public in all matters and if necessary to voice or
express opinion relating, ancillary or incidental to the law
- To promote a system of legal advice and aid to deserving persons
- To
encourage, establish and maintain good relations with professional
bodies of the legal profession within and outside Sabah and to
participate in the activities of any local or international association
and become a member of such association
- To maintain
and improve the standards of professional practise, etiquette, conduct,
discipline and learning of the legal profession in Sabah
- To
represent, protect and assist members of the legal profession in Sabah
and to promote in any proper manner the interest of the legal profession
in Sabah
- To
establish libraries and to acquire or rent premises to house the
libraries and offices of the Law Society or amenities for the use of
members either alone or in conjunction with any other body or society
- To own,
accept, hold, acquire, lease or apply for or transfer, dispose, assign,
let or otherwise with properties both movable and immovable for the
benefit of the Law Society and members
- To borrow
money whether by way of bank overdraft or otherwise for such purposes of
the Law Society as the Law Society may from time to time consider
- To grant pecuniary or other assistance to any association, institute, board or society in Sabah
- To afford
pecuniary and other assistance to members or former members of the Law
Society and to their spouses, widowers or widows and children who are in
need of such assistance
- To make
rules governing the manner of convening general meetings of the Law
Society and the procedure at the meetings of which rules shall be
approved and may be amended by ordinary resolution of the general
meeting of the Law Society.
- To establish a Compensation Fund
- To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the achievement or betterment of the purposes of the Law Society