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Types of Flexible Working Arrangements

Flexi-time – allows employees to select their start and finish times within a range of hours around core operating hours.
Compressed work week – enables employees to work their allotted hours over fewer days, for example 10 hours per day over four days or 80 hours over nine days, rather than the traditional eight hours per day over five days.
Time in lieu, banked hours and making up time – time in lieu refers to taking time off as compensation for extra hours worked. Banked hours are extra hours worked above the expected number of hours, for use at another time. Making up time refers to working extra hours above the expected hours for time taken off at an earlier date and which are now “owed” to the employer.
Part-time work – working part days, five or less days per week or working full days but fewer than five days per week. This can also include an agreement for intermittent part-time work that scales hours up or down based on other periodic responsibilities.
Job sharing – where two employees share one full time job with its pro rata salary and benefits.

Part-year work – working reduced hours on an annual basis, rather than a daily or weekly basis. For example, working full time during the school year and then taking a block of time off during school holidays or the summer break.
Remote working – working some or most scheduled hours at a place other than the main location of the employer. Sites away from the workplace include working from home, from a satellite office, in a telecentre or at another worksite (for example a client’s office).
Purchasing additional leave – allows employees to “buy” additional leave and average the reduced salary over the year.
Taking additional unpaid leave – allows employees to take additional periods of unpaid leave. These may be fixed to cover specific periods such as school holidays.
Study leave – allows employees to take periods of leave from work to undertake training or study.
Flexible work does not include other workplace entitlements such as a sick leave or domestic violence leave. Flexible work also does not include working from home in lieu of childcare.